How to Save Money When Purchasing Office Supplies

Today’s market does not allow for office managers to permit extravagant spending on wing back leather armchairs, chestnut wood panelling and 50″ plasma screen TVs on which to display the company logo all day. No, today’s market calls for tight purse strings in all areas of business and often the office supplies budget is the first to be slashed. With demanding executives and high brow clients visiting it is possible to provide great office supplies on a budget. Here’s how…

Office Furniture

Being one of the larger features of an office, it can be tempting to rent out Abraham Lincoln’s oval office desk for your head of accounts to lean on between meetings. However, in order to save money you can use a few different options. Second hand desks are relatively easy to get hold of. Going to office clearance firms is a start while keeping your eyes peeled around town for offices to let can yield some knock down priced office furniture which was destined for the charity shop. If all else fails online office supplies companies always provide good value for money and Ikea is never too far away.


Ink cartridges can be expensive when bought from the high street, so instead of forking out for a new one each time why not get them refilled for a fraction of the price. If you have a larger office with greater print requirements, signing up with an office supplies company which will maintain, refill and dispose of your inkjet cartridges and toner can save you money and hassle in the long run.


Buying recycled paper, envelopes and Avery labels may not save you money in the short term, but the moral value you will gain from this selfless act will pay for itself. But seriously, an online office stationery supplier will be able to direct you to what is now a massive choice in fully recycled stationery at the same prices as their less green cousins.


By keeping on top of the way your staff uses their office stationery you can save yourself a large amount of money over the course of the year. Keep a tally of reams of paper and who is using them. When you see one area use a particularly large amount, investigate. Sometimes a faulty printer that hasn’t been reported can eat through a large amount of paper. A quick repair could save you a chunk of cash.

Alicia D. Walker

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Shopping For Cleaning Equipment and Janitorial Supplies Online

Wed Dec 21 , 2022
Shopping for cleaning equipment supplies and janitorial equipment supplies online is a lot easier than running all over town searching for all of the items that you need. If you are not sure what equipment is needed for your job or what items are available, Websites are much more convenient […]
Shopping For Cleaning Equipment and Janitorial Supplies Online

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