Believe it or not, I am frequently asked how to fix dented bingo balls. You know, you’re calling bingo and for some reason ‘B12’ shows up with a dent in the side. Obviously, you can’t continue calling bingo with a dented bingo ball. Your bingo players would scream bloody murder […]

Over the past few years, scrapbooking has grown into a multi-million dollar industry with an almost infinite number of products that can be used in creating the perfect scrapbook page of memories. With so many fun gadgets, embellishments and supplies coming out every day, it’s easy to get overwhelmed, especially […]

These intriguing math based puzzles are easier to solve than you might think, and they are a fun tool for sharpening mental arithmetic skills as well. Here are some great tips for those who are new to Kenken puzzles, and you’ll be familiar with the logic of most of them […]